Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Nosferatu (2024): The Shadow

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.”

                                                                                 - Carl Jung, from Modern Man in Search of a Soul

I don’t think I’m coming up with anything revelatory when I say that vampires are often symbolic of what psychologist Carl Jung referred to as “the shadow.” It’s the part of us that we don’t like to acknowledge, our flaws, failings, shames, as well as our more potentially monstrous qualities. Qualities that are, nevertheless, part of us. Vampires historically represent our darkest desires and the equally dark means by which we satisfy those desires. This is all firmly in “no shit, Sherlock” territory.

And yet, they’re also just as often depicted as romantic figures, doomed to spend an eternity watching their loved ones waste away while they live forever, as if they’re the real victims here. You don’t even need to go as far as the Twilight movies to find this, though they’re probably the most egregious in this regard. And…I don’t like that. I tend to prefer films where our sympathies lie with the victims, not the monster. It’s possible to write a monster who is sympathetic, or has sympathetic elements. Hell, it’s possible to write a vampire like that, but if we’re talking classic vampires, as often as not they’re suave and charming, with fangs. And I like my monsters to be monsters.

Which is one of many things the 2024 remake of Nosferatu does right. It manages to take a well-traveled story and put some interesting spins on it, while still acknowledging its roots in German Expressionism. It’s reverent, but not rigidly so, and takes advantage of an established story to tweak some of the particulars in interesting ways.

It opens on a lonely little girl, who wishes only for a friend. There’s something special about her, she has visions, prophetic dreams. And it is in her dreams that someone comes to visit her, someone who wishes to be her friend.

Someone rotting and hulking, with long sharp fingers, and sharper teeth. And the sharpest of appetites.

The film picks up many, many years later, with the little girl - Ellen Hutter - all grown up and married to Thomas Hutter, a young man with employment at a prestigious real estate firm. He is eager to establish himself, to begin building his household so he and Ellen can begin their family. Mr. Knock, a senior partner at his firm, has a very special assignment for him. They have a very wealthy client, Count Orlok, who wishes to purchase an old, dilapidated property in their city; Thomas is dispatched to Carpathia to meet the client and secure his signature and payment.

Needless to say, it goes much, much worse than expected. If you’ve read Dracula, or seen adaptations of Dracula, you know the characters and the general story beats. Bram Stoker’s estate sued the ever-living fuck out of F.W. Murnau for making the original Nosferatu, which just moved Stoker’s story from England to Germany and changed a bunch of names. Fortunately, some copies of Murnau’s film escaped court-ordered destruction, and it’s gone on to become one of the most influential horror films ever made, inspiring multiple remakes and copies, and even fictional accounts of its making. So if someone is going to make yet another run at this story, it’s going to need to be very good and make some kind of unique contribution to justify its own existence, and luckily this film does exactly that.

First, it does some interesting things with the protagonists. The two most important women in the story - known originally as Mina Murray and Lucy Westenra – are usually portrayed as delicate hothouse flowers, fainting paragons of femininity who exist only to be rescued and defended. Here, they have a fair amount of agency. Anna Harding, wife to Thomas’ friend Friedrich (a prosperous shipbuilder) has two children and another on the way, and doesn’t want to see her husband and father of her children going off doing weird, dangerous shit. She isn’t shrewish or hectoring, just assertive as someone in her position would be. And Ellen Hutter is much more central to the story than Mina Murray usually is. She appears to have some kind of psychic ability or insight into the spirit world, and it is this ability that draws Orlok to her as a child. It’s not addressed explicitly in the film, but Orlok claiming her as a child and coming to collect her once she reaches adulthood does feel a little like she has been groomed, which makes Orlok even more monstrous in a way not normally seen in versions of this story.

Ellen refuses to be sheltered and defended, and is essential to the monster’s undoing, not just Hutter’s prize for defeating the monster. She is haunted and tormented by what happened to her as a child, and as Orlok’s influence begins to assert itself, she turns feral, in a performance reminiscent of (and apparently directly inspired by) Isabelle Adjani’s absolutely unhinged turn in Possession. It’s striking, and gives the character much more power than she usually gets. The doctor is competent, the Van Helsing character is suitably eccentric, but in a way that isn’t necessarily comic. He’s less a vampire hunter than a renegade scientist occupied with mysticism, and this film’s Renfield isn’t who you’re expecting. Making Harding a shipbuilder adds a little something to the Demeter’s return (its brief moment in the story more interesting than the trailer for the feature-length exploration of its voyage released a couple of years ago), and there’s a return to the idea of the vampire as disease-bringer, as its return heralds the arrival of a plague that punctuates the urgency of the situation throughout the second half of the film. Nobody is dramatically different, everyone plays the same roles, but who they are is just different enough to feel fresh.

And this film’s Count Orlok is one of the most impressive takes on a vampire I’ve seen to date. Ironically, part of what makes him feel so different from prior depictions is a return to the earliest ideas for the character. He’s a Carpathian nobleman, with an appearance roughly similar to that of Vlad Tepes and the assured arrogance of the nobility. He is someone who does not countenance being refused and will exercise his considerable power to take whatever he wants. He’s a decaying figure in decaying royal finery, with a voice that fills space and a raw appetite for blood that disregards gender and charm. This vampire does not seduce. He feeds. There is nothing romantic about this vampire. He is a monster in totality, and even shrouded in darkness, his evil radiates from the screen. There are some hints that he has been drawn or summoned here through the use of old, dark magic, and it serves to emphasize that he is something utterly outside of humanity.

And this film has a lot of darkness in it. It’s not shot in black and white, but it might as well be for as desaturated as everything is. There’s a blue tint to things that suggests cold, contrasted with the warm tones of home and hearth (and the cleansing, purgative power of fire) and the bright red of blood. This is a world with very little color, and even less as Orlok’s influence spreads, shown in one striking sequence as the shadow of a clawed hand stretching across the city. It’s one of many nods to Murnau’s original expressionist use of shadow, incorporated throughout. It’s a less-stylized film than Murnau’s original, but it definitely knows its roots.

There have been so many tellings and retellings and remakes and reboots of the classic Dracula story (not to mention all of the other vampire films out there), but this one more than any other I’ve seen engages with the idea of shadow, both cinematically and in the Jungian sense. This vampire is just on this side of humanoid, human enough that that’s how we read him, but horrible enough to evoke a sense of repulsion and horror; it’s underscored at the climax in a way that manages to engage with more romantic ideas of the vampire, simultaneously acknowledging and subverting them, ending the film with a deeply powerful image that takes the beautiful, the primal, and the grotesque and burns them into your brain. This vampire, more than most, is our shadow.

IMDB entry 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Nude Per L’Assassino: Sex And Violence And More Sex

Horror movies, like pretty much any other movie, are products of their time and the culture in which they’re made. And horror movies also tend toward transgression, since they’re largely dealing with the kind of stuff more polite entertainment doesn’t. What this means in practice is that the older the film, the more likely it is that it will have…not aged very well. Values and norms change over time, and some things that used to be acceptable aren’t any more. So I’ll sometimes find myself watching a movie where I’m more grossed out by the way the people in it behave than I am by blood and gore.

In my limited experience, gialli are especially susceptible to this. A type of film made largely in the 1970s and 1980s in Italy, gialli have some ideas about sex, sexuality and gender that are by modern standards pretty repugnant. And Nude Per L’Assassino (Strip Nude For Your Killer) is definitely no exception. I mean, with a title like that, it was never going to be subtle. But even though it isn’t as viciously nasty as some I’ve seen, the way it seems to be equal parts murder mystery and softcore sex film ends up being pretty distracting.

It comes in pretty hot, opening with a woman at a doctor’s office getting an abortion. It’s not as lurid as it could have been, thank goodness, but it’s pretty easy to figure out what’s going on. Halfway through, she appears to expire quietly in the chair. It’s an unusually low-key sequence, ending with the doctor calling someone in a panic. They’re going to move her back to her apartment and make it look like she died of natural causes. They dump her in the bath and start the water running, then they leave.

Some days later, a mysterious figure catches up to the doctor as he’s about to walk into his house, and stabs him to death.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, fashion photographer Carlo is busy trying to bed an attractive woman while he’s out in public…taking photographs, I think? He’s very much the kind of dude who doesn’t take “no” for an answer, which is gross enough, but somehow it’s worse that the woman he’s pressuring into sex (in a public place, no less) relents and goes along with it. Apparently, “no” means “yes” in this movie, and it’s pervasive. When Carlo brings her back to the fashion design house, he sort of dumps her on the head of the agency and finds out that one of their models apparently died of natural causes. Hmmm. And then only a couple of days later, another employee dies. It takes a bit for people to start putting it together, but a mysterious killer is targeting everyone who works for this design house. Someone’s out for revenge.

The biggest problem with this film is the same problem as pretty much any other Italian movie in the genre from the mid-70s – pretty much every man in this film is one flavor of pig or another. It’s more chauvinistic than misogynistic or homophobic (I still haven’t gotten the taste of New York Ripper out of my mouth), but there’s plenty of dudes who don’t take no for an answer, who have no sense of boundaries, who’ve never heard the word “consent.” And on top of that, most of the women in this film are sexually available in one way or another. Carlo has a brief, tense exchange with aspiring photographer Magda, who is intent on proving herself as a photographer on her own merits, but this doesn’t stop her from turning around and seducing Carlo in a darkroom for…reasons? It really does underscore the idea that boundaries and consent don’t really mean anything. No matter what she says, she really wants it. Even a scene with two cops interviewing someone can’t resist having one of the cops spend the whole thing leering at a scantily-dressed woman in the office. Why is she scantily-clad? That’s a good question. With the exception of two nurses in a brief hospital scene, pretty much every woman in this film ends up getting naked, whether it makes sense or not. It ranges from the somewhat uncomfortable - there’s a brief scene of a woman getting slapped around toward the end - to the pathetic, as another executive at the design house attempts to pay a woman to sleep with him, and when he’s unable to perform, he cries for his mother. I didn’t feel dirty after watching it (still looking at you, New York Ripper), but I did yell “ew, gross!” more than a few times at the way dudes acted in this film and at the subtext about sexual availability. I’m usually able to calibrate for older films, but in this instance it ends up being distracting.

So it’s very much of its time, to the point that it is kind of a distraction, but there’s also not a whole lot of movie outside of the gratuitous T&A. Apart from that, it’s sort of a mixed bag. The editing comes straight from the school of “meanwhile, in another movie,” the acting is nothing to write home about, and there’s very little mystery to it. It’s not so much that the killer is immediately obvious as it is it just one person after another dropping like flies until the very end, where the killer is revealed mere seconds before process of elimination would make their identity clear to the audience. It doesn’t have the stylishness of Argento’s work or the deranged vision of Fulci at his weirdest, but it’s mostly cohesive (if not especially interesting in how it develops the story) and it does manage a decent amount of suspense with a repeated motif of running water, heavy breathing, and a near-subliminal insert shot from the beginning of the film heralding the killer’s arrival. The deaths are quick and nasty, full of blood that looks like tempera paint, but they aren’t overly sadistic, and both men and women get killed. So it isn’t as icky as I was afraid it was going to be, landing more on inappropriately horny in a way that mostly just made me roll my eyes. It’s grainy, with pops of color and rainy streets at nighttime, and it’s got the requisite cop-show up-tempo score mixed in with some lighter pop music from the period. I’m beginning to see what people mean by “Eurosleaze” after watching this, and though it has its merits as a style of film, the “sleaze” part makes it a little tough to appreciate.

Film - especially horror film - is a place where you can explore difficult or upsetting ideas, grapple with uncomfortable emotions and express things in strong, vivid terms. I don’t like moral panics or pearl-clutching, and I don’t think that any particular creative work’s value should be determined by its adherence to a particular set of norms and values. Judging the films of 40-plus years ago by the values of today doesn’t make much sense to me. But anything that yanks me out of a movie is going to be a problem, and this one’s just juvenile and gross enough to be distracting. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Bitesized Nightmares: Exactly What It Says On The Tin

In my continued exploration of indie horror film on YouTube, I decided that this week I’d take a look at the work of Kyle Edward Ball, who would eventually take what he learned making videos for his channel Bitesized Nightmares and turn it into Skinamarink, a masterclass in mood and minimalist dread. The name of the channel tells you everything you need to know – the films are very short (mostly somewhere between three and six minutes each), and they’re based on nightmares submitted by viewers of the channel. It’s really easy to see the genesis of Skinamarink in these videos, which rely largely on ambient sound, slow tracking shots alternating with long takes, and grainy, blown-out cinematography with stark divisions between light and shadow. Narration and music play more of a role here than they did in Skinamarink, but otherwise it’s really easy to see these shorts as proofs of concept. There are 39 videos in the series (along with related material), so I decided to arbitrarily sample ten videos. If this sounds like your thing, there’s plenty more to watch beyond these selections.

Nightmare 1

This film feels like the thesis for the whole thing – it’s short, with some narration describing the dream, and  just a slow tracking shot that ends in a mysterious figure. There aren’t any jump scares or musical stings, just quiet, inexplicable dread that’s maybe undercut a little at the end by…well, it’s not exactly a jump scare, but it’s sort of an unnecessary startle that looks fake enough to break the mood. There are a lot of elements here that will recur through the other videos, and in retrospect this does feel like a filmmaker who is maybe not yet as confident in their tools as they will eventually become.

Nightmare 5: Eyes

The structure of this one is pretty similar to Nightmare 1 - narration sets the scene, and the visuals are mostly just a long tracking shot down a long, dimly lit hallway. But music and sound design do a lot of good work here (it’s worth wearing headphones while you watch these) toward making the scene feel menacing, and, just when you think it’s over, it’s not. It’s not intensely scary, but there’s a nice jolt to it.

Nightmare 9: Two Doors

At this point, I feel like I’m starting to see some growth, like Ball is stretching his legs a little and incorporating some new elements. It opens with some moody exterior shots of a house at dusk, and tells its story by using light and shadow to convey the impression of moving figures. At this point, what’s really coming through is the way nightmares are often inexplicable – you don’t know why things are happening, just that they are, and even if they don’t make a lot of sense logically, the things that are happening have some kind of terrible importance. They may not make sense, but there’s still a feeling of danger.

Nightmare 13: Witch

Here is where I start to really see the inclusion of the garish, blown-out color that characterized much of Skinamarink. This one is about a child in peril and a mysterious long-haired figure, shot in sickly greens from a low angle, as if our point of view is that of someone is hiding under a bed. The limited perspective also ramps up the tension – you can’t see what’s going on, you can’t know what’s going on outside of what little you can see, so anything could happen at any moment. Closing your eyes doesn’t help, because you know the figure is still there and you’re pretty sure something bad is going to happen to the child. But as in all of these, there’s not a lot of closure or exposition.

Nightmare 17: Dinner

This is the most cryptic, and creepiest one of the bunch up to this point – a slow tracking shot on a dollhouse (that appears to be watched by at least one indistinct figure) transitions into an actual house interior, where a figure mostly hidden by shadows gestures for us to come in. A little bit of setup ends in a nice little jab that, if overdone would have been a jump scare, but in this instance just puts a little sting into it before a macabre closing line. It’s closer to more conventional horror than the others, but not to a point that feels overdone or contrived.

Nightmare 20: Distorted

This one is a tableau that makes people sitting and watching television into just one of the creepiest things ever, through a use of distorted audio paired with equally distorted facial expressions. The end result reminds me of something David Lynch might do more than anything else. I don’t know if Ball was getting better over time (I mean, probably) or what, but this one and Nightmare 17 both actually got under my skin a little. It’s also a pretty good showcase for the important of editing and rhythm, since to the extent that there’s a formula, a lot of it comes down to long slow or still shots interrupted by a change in perspective at just the right moment, and timing it for maximum impact really does seem like a delicate, precise thing. Which is, I think, a big part of what makes Skinamarink such a success. It takes the idea of making small things very disturbing to its limits, and I feel like I’m watching Ball really getting comfortable with his tools by this point.

Nightmare 24: Mom

The title sort of made me go “ah, geez,” because nightmares involving a mother are gonna be especially creepy, and this one delivers. Like in Nightmare 17, the narration is an integral part of the experience instead of table-setting, and it’s got a really good closing shot that makes excellent good use of a partially closed door with only darkness beyond it. I never really thought about how scary hands could be until I started watching these shorts.

Nightmare 28: Doll

This one’s impressive if only for the way it manages to take a bunch of things that by themselves aren’t that creepy – some stop-motion of a paper doll being constructed, a close up on a sleeping face, and the sound of children laughing – and combine them in a way that ends up being really unnerving. There isn’t a lot of narration, this one is carried mostly by the imagery, but there’s just a little bit at the end that adds a nice chill without actually explaining anything. It’s almost a cliché that our own imagination is going to come up with much worse things than anyone can show us, but this one strikes me as a pretty good argument for its validity.

Nightmare 32: Cold Hand

This one is a bit slight, but it does a very good job of building a lot of tension through stillness. A faceless figure sitting at the end of a bed in a dimly lit room is already unsettling, but when the shot holds on them for an uncomfortably long time, it’s even moreso. The narration comes in late, and layers in enough detail to make up for visuals that, at this point, feel maybe a little familiar. It also manages to make snoring sort of menacing, which I thought was interesting.

Nightmare 35: Machine

This is easily the most abstract of the bunch. There’s some introductory narration, but the visuals are pretty much all texture and light, with a shot of an outstretched arm and some medicine bottles linking the visuals and the narration. It doesn’t have the tension that the last few did, but it’s oblique enough  that you feel like you’re getting a window onto someone’s very private fears. It also plays with the format that’s been established up to this point so that what you will have come to assume is the end gets upended for a shot no less abstract than the rest, that again gets held a little longer than is comfortable. It gives the whole thing a feeling of uncertainty, like any of the “rules” of the format can be broken.

Any of these, by themselves, would just be a nicely spooky morsel, but if you watch a bunch back-to-back, it has the same effect that Skinamarink did – it accumulates, so that even though no one moment is a “scare,” per se, over time the tension builds and builds and builds until you’re sure that whatever releases it is going to just make you scream. Even though for a lot of these I found myself thinking that it was well-done but maybe not that scary, I realized about halfway through that I was sort of looking off to the side of the screen, as if I was afraid of what I’d see if I looked right at it.  Like Skinamarink, either you’re on this wavelength or you aren’t, and if you aren’t you’ll probably find a lot of these shorts sort of dull or pointless. But if Skinamarink got under your skin, these will too, for all the same reasons.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Compare & Contrast: Kairo/Pulse

I want to try something a little different this week, something I’ve been thinking about trying for awhile. If a foreign horror movie does well, as often as not it’s going to get a U.S. remake. And these remakes range from almost shot-for-shot duplicates of the original film to ones where tattered scraps of the original film cling to something otherwise wildly different. I think these exist mostly because the film industry in the U.S. makes a regular habit of underestimating the intelligence of audiences. Reading subtitles isn’t difficult, and if you’ll avoid a film because you don’t like to read…well, you’re part of the problem.

But within that space, there’s some potential to make observations about the differences between them. What survives the transition, and what doesn’t, which details changed and which ones didn’t. These choices can be revealing about the assumptions made by either set of filmmakers, and what sort of cultural touchstones go into making horror films, and what those say about their respective cultures. So what I’d like to do in a compare and contrast post is look at the original film and the remake side-by-side, to see what worked, what didn’t, and what the choices made in each film might tell us about the societies that produced each film.

A lot of this, for me, begins with what was colloquially referred to as “J-horror,” a group of horror films made in Japan from the late 90s to early 00s. It does seem to be sort of a watershed moment that marked increasing interest in horror films made outside of the U.S., and at a point where streaming hadn’t yet made access to films from all over the world easier. So along came remakes of the higher-profile J-horror films. So that’s where I’d like to start with this. My last post was on the film Kairo (Pulse), which is a (rightly) well-regarded example of the form. A bleak, chilly meditation on loneliness and urban isolation, it received a remake, titled Pulse, in the U.S.. The two films share a few similarities, but they are by far more different than similar, and I’ll likely be spoiling details of both films, so if you haven’t seen Kairo, maybe come back once you have - it’s pretty good. Overlong, but pretty good. The remake? Well, not so much.


To start, both films share the same basic premise: Some kind of mysterious signal is transmitting itself over the internet, people who are exposed to it start committing suicide, and ghosts are starting to appear wherever these suicides occur. After that, things really diverge narratively and cinematically. In Kairo, the film followed two parallel storylines, that of Michi, an employee at a plant nursery, and Ryosuke, an economics student, as they separately discover this strange phenomenon. Pulse replaces the two parallel storylines with one, that of a young college student named Mattie and her friend group. This doesn’t really help or hurt the film, but the characters are so stock that it’s kind of annoying. It’s often difficult for me to pick up on character nuances in subtitled films, but in the remake it’s clear that these are two-dimensional college-kid caricatures, more concerned with partying and getting laid than anything else. Worse, the addition of a model-handsome miscreant who goes from “dude who bought a stolen computer” to Mattie’s love interest in rapid order is so fucking tiresome. He’s literally just some dude who purchased stolen property and maybe twenty minutes later he’s her biggest confidante, and by the end they’re making out. It isn’t necessary, it does nothing for the story or the characters, it just gives the filmmakers a chance to shove a dude with razor-sharp cheekbones and impeccably groomed beard stubble into the whole thing. That’s what a lot of horror movies in the U.S. were back in the 00s - impossibly good-looking people getting bumped off for reasons. Neither film was ever going to be a character study, but it’s really difficult to see this as anything but ticking boxes on some kind of focus-grouped checklist.

The changes to the film itself - the art direction, the specific story choices, the narrative details - are much bigger and really work to make the original and remake into two sharply different films. Kairo relied a lot on mood and atmosphere - it was a quiet, relatively empty movie, somber and melancholy. It took place in a drab, overcast part of Japan, full of rain-stained brutalist apartment buildings, and its important moments were simple- a silent figure in the corner of the room, mysterious black stains on the wall, people sitting still in barely-lit rooms, pale figures that bent and twisted as they walked. The result was eerie and full of dread, with the inexplicable horror of a nightmare. Pulse is not a quiet, empty movie. You’ve got your nightclub scene, you’ve got your bustling college campus, you’ve got evil cyber-ghosts who are all glitch and stutter and visual noise, a riot of special effects who make weird growling noises and suck people’s souls out of their faces. Do they come through electronic devices? Yes, except when they just pop out of washing machines for no apparent reason. They suck your life force out through the magic of special effects, then you lose the will to live, and then you just…vanish? Maybe we’re supposed to assume that they kill themselves, but this is a film that’s far more squeamish about the idea of suicide than the original was, even though it was sort of central to the original’s thesis. Sometimes they get these creepy black growths spreading all over their body and then they turn into ashes in yet another display of digital effects. And then more screaming, more jump scares, and an ending that sheds all of the quiet sadness of the original for an unnecessary monologue that just restates what we’re seeing with our own eyes. There’s no mood or atmosphere here, just a lot of yelling and musical stings to let us know when to be scared and pale, hairless figures screaming at people before doing special effects at them. It’s borderline-incoherent in the degree to which it just sort of seems like a bunch of cliches pulled out of a bag. Psychology gets some mostly-irrelevant lip service, there’s this weirdly antagonistic shrink who just sort of appears out of nowhere and harangues the protagonist, there’s a professor who talks about stalking and then isn’t seen again for most of the movie…until he gets killed, and there’s a lot of cyber-gibberish (“but I shut down the system!” “It doesn’t matter! THEY ARE THE SYSTEM!”). Pulse doesn’t feel like anything except a pointless racket.

Pulse is also a much more literal film than the original. In Kairo, computers weren’t really the point. It was a film about loneliness and alienation, and computers just facilitated that, a window into other lonely lives. Sure, there was some stuff about spirits spilling through into our world because their realm was full (a nice nod to “when there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth”), but like everything else in the film, it was never really fleshed out. It was cryptic and opaque, but there was enough internal consistency that it felt like nightmare logic, like there was a sense to be made if only we looked hard enough. In Pulse, computers are the entire point. Technology is slathered all over every frame, everyone constantly checking their cell phones (not even smartphones), “cyber”-this and “cyber”-that, hackers, every single bad internet cliché of the early 2000s jammed into the movie, and eventually, after a lot of wandering around getting scared (and the occasional borderline-pointless nightmare sequence shot in a style I can only describe as “aggressively desaturated”), it turns out that some telecom engineers delved too greedily and too deep and unleashed some kind of malevolent presence on our world. So no, it’s not the malaise of modern life, it’s these evil creatures that want to feed on our will to live. This is explained at length in a third-act infodump, though it’s far from the only time that we get told stuff that was already apparent to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention. Symbolism’s for the other guy, we’re going to make this as simple as possible because we have no faith in the intelligence of our audience.

Where Kairo was quiet, Pulse is loud. Obvious, hamfisted, devoid of mood or atmosphere, made up of a few segments lifted from Kairo absent any real context surrounded by 2000s-era mass-market horror film cliches. The original made sense as a piece of Japanese film. The loneliness of modern urban life, increasing isolation, black stains on the wall evoking the shadows of Hiroshima, restless spirits. All of these make sense in the context of Japanese history and culture. The remake grabs bits here and there, but disregards any of that context, and the results, besides being noisy and overwrought, also verge on nonsensical in places, mostly because they seem thrown into a different, more generic horror movie without regard for why they’re there. Really, the more I think about it, the more this seems like it was originally an unrelated movie about evil websites or evil cellphones or something, and they lifted two or three bits from Kairo to rebuild the movie around. It’s got almost nothing to do with the original, it’s not even in conversation with the original, it’s just a butchering of a much-better film.

IMDB entry for Kairo
IMDB entry for Pulse

Kairo on Amazon
Pulse on Tubi
Pulse on Amazon

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kairo: Alone In The Dark

I have a pretty ecumenical take on horror. I don’t want to limit it to specific forms or subject matter, because that’s boring and if you want that, there are plenty of professional critics happy to pigeonhole horror films as films that provide shocks and jump scares and gore and nothing else. Like I said, boring. I find jump scares and gore, by themselves, boring. At their best, horror films are just as capable of grappling with questions of human nature and experience as any drama, they just paint those questions with a broader palette, and one that tends toward shadows. Some critics want to call those films “elevated horror,” mostly because they can’t bring themselves to admit that horror films can be art too. But that’s an artificial distinction. Horror is just horror. Some of it (a lot of it) is derivative, pandering dreck, but at its best, it examines the human condition.

Kairo (Pulse) is a great example of this. It’s a glacially paced story about the loneliness and alienation of the modern world and the role that technology plays in it, and though over-long, it proceeds with the chilly inevitability of a nightmare.

The film follows two different storylines in parallel. In one, Michi - an employee at a plant nursery - is tasked with tracking down her coworker Taguchi, who has been working on a program that would allow them to track their sales more efficiently. He hasn’t shown up for work in several days. Elsewhere, university student Ryosuke is trying to set up internet access from an ISP installer disk. Once he’s done, his web browser navigates to a page on its own - a page displaying image after image of people sitting alone in dark rooms, barely moving or speaking. One of the figures looks up at him. Spooked, Ryosuke turns off his computer and unplugs it. Elsewhere, Michi finds Taguchi at his apartment. He’s acting distant, moving and speaking slowly, and doesn’t seem to respond when Michi asks him for the disk he was supposed to have. Left to her own devices, Michi goes searching through his stuff, eventually finding the disk.

When she turns around, Taguchi has hung himself. He appears to have been dead for some time.

At Ryosuke’s place, in the middle of the night, his computer turns itself back on, displaying the same site as before. Shadows, sitting in the dark.

The beginning of the internet as we know it today was attended by any number of movies that tried to capitalize on the novelty of this new form of communication, and it’s so easy to make hokey, shitty movies about evil websites or demons that live in the computer. This is not one of those movies. Technology is central to the film’s conceit, but it feels less like another iteration on the haunted house or cursed object, and more like a vector for some kind of spiritual contagion. Modern living already facilitates isolation, technology that allows remote, anonymous communication exacerbates it, and the result, this film says, is people who dwindle away to ghosts, to nothing, to shadows. There’s a more conventionally supernatural explanation in the story, but that’s what it is - it's the story of a lonely world that’s only growing lonelier.

This film is part of the late 90s-early 2000s run of Japanese horror films that have come to be known collectively as “J-horror,” and it’s got very much the same aesthetic as other films from this period. It takes place in a gray, overcast Japan, in concrete apartment buildings permanently stained by rain. There’s very little music (just the occasional tasteful sting to punctuate startling moments) and even less background noise, making this an uneasily quiet film. This works to its advantage as a film about isolation, and along with pacing that could generously be described as deliberate, the result is somehow both dreamy and nightmarish. It’s a languid, chilly story full of eerie, obliquely creepy moments that proceed from a visual vocabulary with an internal logic, like any nightmare where you aren’t sure exactly what’s happening, but you know that whatever it is, it is evil and wrong and coming for you with a mindless implacability. It’s cryptic, but not so cryptic that you can’t follow what’s going on. The film has atmosphere in spades, it doesn’t yank your attention toward the scary bits, instead trusting you to follow what’s going on. It doesn’t need to make a lot of noise because the silence is even worse, and the result is very effective at keeping the audience uncomfortable and priming them for the big moments.

But this approach comes with some problems - the film’s just shy of two hours long, and you feel every second of it. I don’t mind slow movies, especially ones so committed to building a sense of inescapable dread, but this really could have had about 15 minutes or so trimmed without, I think, harming the overall result. There were points where I felt my attention starting to wander because the silence and stillness was tipping over into stasis. Any film that relies on the existence of the internet to drive its premise is going to risk looking dated, and though it’s mostly relegated to the background once things really get going, there’s still something that feels dated in how unfamiliar most of the characters are with how computers work in even the most basic way. Ryosuke bears the brunt of this as a young college student who manages to know almost nothing about consumer-grade computers or software. And sure, this film was made during a period when not everyone knew much about computers (and long before haptic devices like smartphones or tablets), but to modern eyes, he just looks…kinda dumb, in a way that I don’t think was intentional. I appreciate that not everything is explained into the ground (the next person who tells me that they’re going to explore the “lore” of some antagonist from a horror film is getting a very metaphorical foot up their ass), but if you look at what’s supposed to be happening a little too closely, it does seem kind of shapeless and hand-wavey. But this is a pretty minor complaint for a film that sets a tone, commits to it, and ends in impressively bleak fashion.

This is also one of a number of Japanese horror films that got American remakes, and I think I’m going to start doing some compare-and-contrasts, because I think there’s some space between the culturally specific concerns of films like this and the way they get translated for audiences in the U.S. that’s worth talking about. But I suspect any remake is going to have a hard time replicating this film’s monolithic sense of depression and isolation, as much as I’d like to see someone try.

IMDB entry
Available on Amazon 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Three Short Films By Curry Barker: Between Life And Death

Last month, I watched a short film called Milk & Serial, and it was good enough to get me rethinking my general dismissiveness toward YouTube as a source of original horror filmmaking. It was a sharp, vicious little piece of found-footage horror featuring some surprisingly strong performances, and it looks like a lot of it was the work of a young man named Curry Barker, who wrote, directed, edited, and co-starred in it. My interest was piqued, and since watching it I’d been meaning to check out some of his other work. He does sketch comedy, but he’s made a few other short films as well, so I thought I’d take a look at three of them this week. Some of them are stronger than others, but I’m impressed with what I’ve seen.

There are a few elements that tie these three films - Enigma, Warnings, and The Chair - together. They’re all about the space between life and death, and a vein of deadpan absurdity runs through all of them to one degree or another, as all three feature protagonists who are having difficulty grappling with some element of adult life. Whether it’s responsibility, or the need for human contact, or the need to be fully present in a relationship, all of these films have at their center men whose world is unraveling around them, and who face their circumstances with varying levels of exasperation. They’re less terrified and more puzzled and annoyed, but not to a degree that’s overtly comic. There are definite moments of wry black humor, but I don’t know that I’d call any of these comedies. These are ordinary people in extraordinary situations, and none of them are what you’d call heroic.

They’re all small productions, and two of them are very much just Barker and some of his regular collaborators shooting in one or two locations, but there’s a real sense of restraint and a willingness to build tension through small moments, carefully composed shots and impressionistic editing. There’s a refreshing lack of jump-scares or the usual premises, and it’s clear that Barker knows if you set things up correctly, then even a little detail - like a note, or a blurry figure in the background - can go a long way toward setting the mood.


This film opens on squalor. A young man is kneeled over his toilet, vomiting, while empty bottles, fast-food wrappers, and other garbage lies scattered all over the place. This is Adam, and he’s having trouble being a functional adult. He doesn’t leave his apartment unless he has to, orders food in a lot, and is falling out of touch with his friends and family. He has regrets, he wonders where his life went wrong, and all the while he’s scrolling through his phone, looking at all of his friends on social media as they party and figure out how they’re going to kill themselves before the world ends, in slightly less than a week.

This is a melancholy story, told from the point of view of a sad guy for whom even the end of the world isn’t enough motivation to get out and live. Adam sort of wanders through the last days on Earth, making excuses for why he can’t go out, remaining a prisoner of his own self-doubt and guilt. It strikes a good balance between the enormity of what’s coming (a countdown to the end is cleverly inserted as bits of background scenery) and the way life goes on regardless – people keep delivering pizzas, people keep working behind a register, while others get out and make the best of what’s left. Some think it’s more of the same catastrophizing that’s been with us for decades, some think it’s a hoax to cull the population and make purveyors of assisted suicide rich, others are just vibing, whatever comes will come. As is often the case with stories like these, the end of the world is an opportunity to examine how we live and the importance of human connection. So in that sense there isn’t anything really all that unusual here, and it’s the least scary of the three, but there are nice moments of deadpan humor alongside pathos that serve the story well and keep us empathetic. I wouldn’t call it a black comedy…more of a dark gray comedy?


It’s a late night at the end of what was probably a pretty wild Halloween party, and Sean’s walking out to his car, discussing how he almost got hit in the street by another car. When he reaches his car, he notices a note stuck to the window above the driver’s side door handle…

“I am begging you to stop.”

Needless to say, Sean gets freaked out and tries to ask his friends Kendal and Regan what’s happening, but they have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s a little confused, a little disoriented, and when he goes back out to his car, he finds another note, this time on the inside of his car. And he’s starting to hear voices.

This one is a creepy little psychological horror film centering on Sean’s attempts to understand what’s going on as the world around him gets stranger and stranger. It does a lot with very little, relying on the conceit of the notes and the way that everything becomes increasingly more disjointed the more Sean tries to understand what’s happening.  There’s nicely paced uneasiness throughout, combined with little bits of visual wit that creates this nicely discordant note – it’s funny and strange at the same time, and the aftertaste from the strange lingers a little longer than the funny does. There are some nightmare sequences (or are they?) that give everything a little bite as well, and the filmmakers do a good job of keeping us guessing about where it’s all going. It’s maybe a little slight, but definitely falls in horror territory and has its share of unsettling moments.

The Chair

Reese is out running some errands - getting dinner and flowers for his girlfriend Julie to celebrate their six-month anniversary - when he notices a chair sitting on the sidewalk. It looks to be in good shape, so he decides to grab it and take it home with him. As soon as Julie sees it, she hates it. It doesn’t go with the rest of the décor. It’s creepy. It makes her nervous. It feels evil, and she wants Reese to get it out of the house. So, in a fit of pique, Reese stubbornly sits down in the chair…

..and the next thing he knows, he’s back on the street where he picked up the chair in the moments before he puts it in the car. And somehow an entire week has gone by.

This one is more ambitious than the other two, and also the most effective as a horror film. It’s a bigger production with a cast outside of the usual ensemble, shot in a wider aspect ratio than the others. It’s a disorienting story that starts off being about a diffusely creepy chair, but soon reveals itself as a story about the unreliability of memory and what it must be like when it starts to fail. Abrupt, fragmented editing keeps us as off-balance as the protagonist, and real events wind around hallucinatory reverie, offering a few different explanations for what’s going on, but to its credit, the film doesn’t commit to one explanation over the other. There’s a cohesive visual vocabulary, which suggests there is some underlying logic to what’s happening, but it’s ultimately elusive. We know enough to know something is going on, but not enough to see it clearly, which is a wonderfully unsettling feeling. There’s also some really nice use of composition alongside the editing, it’s probably the least humorous of the bunch, and even though the end sort of fell flat for me, it was an enjoyably uneasy experience and probably makes the clearest argument yet for Barker having the sort of filmmaking chops that you’d like to see get more of a budget and wider distribution.

I have to admit, as much as I know intellectually that filmmaking technology has gotten better and more affordable over time, it’s been tough for me to take the leap to recognizing that there’s some really good work being made by young (don’t say it) auteurs (oh dammit, you said it) on a platform that I’m used to thinking of as sort of a video junk drawer. The Philippou brothers made the move from YouTube to the big screen, and I think if there’s any justice in the world, filmmakers like Kane Parsons and Curry Barker will be next, because they’re sure as hell making stuff that’s fresher and scarier than yet another Conjuring sequel.

Enigma: IMDB | YouTube
Warnings: IMDB | YouTube
The Chair: IMDB | YouTube

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Honeydew: Very Little Meat And A Whole Lot Of Filler

Horror is, in my opinion, a genre that benefits strongly from the short story. It certainly isn’t impossible to do long-form horror well, but the longer the story the bigger the risk that you’re going to overexplain or bog it down. Short stories get in, set up a situation, and then take it to some fucked-up place, getting out while the shock still lingers. And I notice something similar in film - one of the most common weaknesses of horror films that I’ve observed over the many years I’ve been flinging my opinion out into the void is a tendency to drag in the middle or to whiff the ending, and I think that’s in part because sustaining feelings of tension or dread or unease or whatever for that long is tough. And for my part, I haven’t spent nearly as much time watching short films as I could be. I’m going to try and rectify that, though it’s tough since they rarely appear on streaming services.

But Honeydew is a great example of this exact problem. It starts off pretty strong, but then it drags into an absolute crawl at the end. It’s the poster child for full-length horror films that would have been better off as a short.

It opens on still shots of woodlands, a lone barn, sprawling wheat fields, steam rising from the ground. There’s an old woman grinding seed into flour. There’s a loaf of bread in an oven. A young woman eats, and scratchy religious music plays on an old tape recorder. It’s nicely cryptic. Then there is a funeral, a few mourners gathered around a simple wooden cross. It all creates a burgeoning sense of rural unease. A poacher skins an animal, wanders into a nearby barn, and discovers something he shouldn’t have.

And now we’re watching an informational film about sordico, a fungal infestation of wheat. It’s being watched by a botany student named Rylie, She and her boyfriend Sam are driving through the country, headed for some kind of getaway. And as is often the case, they make a wrong turn. And as is often also the case, they lose cell reception and their GPS stops working. So they camp for the night, only to be woken up by someone who says they’re on his land. He gives them directions to get where they’re going and tells them he’ll be back in awhile to make sure they’re gone. So they pack up and head out again and what do you know, they happen across a farmhouse! Do we have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen next? Is that farmhouse going to hide a terrible secret?

Yes we do, and of course it will.

I know, I sound dismissive, but I think it’s because the opening of the film showed a bit of restraint - it created a sense of unease without spelling everything out in the first ten minutes, using just isolated images juxtaposed against each other. And it’s mostly good about showing instead of telling. Sam and Rylie have a somewhat strained relationship, but it’s communicated through small things. The farmhouse is home to the old woman we saw earlier making flour. And she’s nice enough, but she’s also pretty strange right off the rip. There’s maybe a little too much silence between the things she says, an oddness. There’s her very strange son who communicates only in grunts, and his face is bandaged for some reason. He really enjoys old Popeye cartoons. We know that there’s something not right here (if only because we know we’re watching a horror movie), but exactly how it’s all going to go down isn’t immediately obvious. Should they stay? Of course not. Do they stay? Of course they do. So, dumb protagonist behavior aside, it’s a strong opening.

But after that, it starts to go downhill.  It’s hurt most by an almost complete lack of tension, because it’s only got one pace – slow. Which, at first, is fine. The evocative opening and the unhurried pace initially give the film time to build some atmosphere, but then it never tightens up or takes off. It just keeps going at that same slow, methodical pace, and so even though the setting’s good and the performances are suitably restrained and everything gradually unfolds into something that gets stranger and stranger, it starts to feel lethargic and aimless. It is never a good sign when I doze off in the middle of a film and let me tell you, that is exactly what I did. It feels like someone took a short film and stretched it out to almost two hours without actually adding anything, and pretty much the entire second act feels like the film is waiting around until it hits a certain running time before it moves on to something like a climax. And when it does reach a climax, it…continues to sort of plod along and then the whole thing just sort of stops. There’s no tension, no stakes, just a bunch of things happening with entirely too much time in between each thing, and then the third act explains what’s going on and the film ends.

And it’s too bad, because I think the filmmakers have some chops. The cinematography is suitably moody – rural vistas, dimly lit basements, shabby country squalor – and the soundtrack is mostly spooky minimalism, all thumps and clatters and wordless chanting. The editing is a standout, it’s almost percussive in a way and makes use of split-screen to mostly good effect.  I really think all the best bits could have been compressed into no more than an hour, and probably less and it would have worked a lot better. It would have gotten in, set up a situation, dropped in the protagonists and snapped the trap shut before they had time to realize what was going on. As it is, there good things about it, there are a number of good moments, but overall the whole thing just feels inert.

IMDB entry

Available on Tubi
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